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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
January 11, 2011

Present: Robert Cox, Dan Cruson, Tom D’Agostino, Carolyn Faxon, John Godin,
Colleen Honan, Bill Lavery, Martin Margulies, Bill McCarthy, , Jennifer Reilly,
Martha Robilotti, Moira Rodgers, Michelle Rosenthal, Peter Stern, Janet Woycik,
and John Trentacosta.

Absent: Mary Kelley, Nancy Reidy, Paul Sirois

Meeting called to order at 7:01 pm

Consideration of Minutes: The minutes of the December meeting were
unanimously accepted. Bill Lavery moved to accept, Dan Cruson seconded.

Public Participation: None

President’s Announcements: Mrs. Robilotti announced that the budget was
presented to the Board of Selectmen. There are some changes to the town’s
liability coverage for the Library. Clarification will be sought from the First
Selectman regarding specifics of the coverage. The Friends of the Library
announced their Vision project to the staff.

Treasurer’s Report: Bill McCarthy, board treasurer, discussed the budget as
presented to the Board of Selectmen. Some adjustments will be made to reflect
changes consistent with other town agencies.
A motion to approve the adjustments to the budget was made by Bill Lavery.
Tom D’Agostino seconded with unanimous approval.
Mr. McCarthy provided the Treasurer’s report for the quarter ending 12/31/10.

Report of the Library Director: Janet Woycik’s report was distributed by email.
There were no questions.

Committee Reports:
Policies and Personnel: No report

Fund Raising: John Godin reported on the Thanksgiving Day Turkey
Trot and possible improvements for next year.

Building, Grounds, and Interior: Tom D’Agostino reported that a
roofer came and made some small repairs and recommendations.
Repairs to one section of the roof on the south side of the building need
to be done as soon as the weather permits. The Historical District Commission
will be consulted. Other repairs are necessary where asphalt shingles are lifting
in the new part of the building.

Bill Lavery moved to repair the roof section above the south door on the
old building with composite roofing material when the weather improves. Dan
Cruson seconded. Approval was unanimous.

Bill Lavery moved to approve the expenditure for the asphalt shingle
repair. Moira Rodgers seconded. Approval was unanimous.

Bob Cox discussed the updating of the estimates for the Capital
Expenditures Plan.
Several issues were discussed including installing stop signs at the
sidewalk by both Library driveways. A crosswalk from the northbound side of
Main St. to the Library was also suggested for patron safety.

Bill Lavery moved to authorize Board President, Martha Robilotti to write a
letter to the Police Commission to request a crosswalk in front of the Library.
John Trentacosta seconded and approval was unanimous.

Long Range Planning: No report

Friends of the Library Liaison: Peter Stern reported that the process
for the Book Sale has begun. Mrs. Robilotti urged all Trustees to volunteer for
July’s sale.

Art Liaison: Mr. Arena’s art is on the walls of the meeting room. SCAN
and others will be exhibiting in the spring.

Historical Liaison: An exhibit about Grace Moore is forthcoming with
the support of Mrs. Mary Thomas. Another exhibit focusing on the Edmond
Town Hall will be coming soon, as well.

Nominating Committee: None

Old Business: None

New Business : Mr. Lavery reiterated the necessity to update and submit the
Capital Expenditures Plan by September 1.

Bill Lavery moved to authorize the Executive Committee to approve any changes
necessary to the budget as it is reviewed by town commissions. Moira Rodgers
seconded, and approval was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 8:09 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Reilly, Secretary